Famous personality Angelina Jolie revealed that, for an advertisement shoot with photographer Dan Winters that involved bees, she went without taking a shower for three whole days.

Angelina Jolie nhịn tắm 3 ngày để chụp ảnh quảng cáo - 1

Angelina Jolie has participated in a photoshoot to promote World Bee Day on May 20. To take part in the initiative, the actress refrained from showering for three days and bravely allowed herself to be stung by bees. The promotional campaign features Jolie in a beautiful white off-the-shoulder dress that accentuates her graceful shoulders and delicate collarbones. The stunning images show Jolie’s captivating eyes and body covered in bees, creating a powerful visual statement. This campaign is a joint effort between Jolie and National Geographic to raise awareness about the significance of protecting bees.

Angelina Jolie để ong bò khắp người nhằm kêu gọi bảo vệ môi trường

Angelina Jolie has divulged some interesting details about a recent photo shoot she participated in. According to her, the process involved refraining from showering for three days prior to the shoot and using pheromones to attract bees by wiping them on her body. To protect herself from the insects entering her ears and nose, she had to use specialized items. During the shoot, Angelina even had a bee crawling up her leg which she found both amusing and nerve-wracking since getting stung in that area would have been painful. All in all, the experience was unforgettable for this mother of six.

Angelina Jolie để ong bò khắp người nhằm kêu gọi bảo vệ môi trường

Angelina Jolie dedicated countless hours to capturing genuine photos with bees. She expressed her appreciation for the chance to connect with these creatures and felt lucky to participate in the photo shoot. As of late, the gifted actress has taken on a new position as an advocate for Women for Bees, a venture developed by the United Nations to enable female beekeepers worldwide.

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